weigthloss pills that actually work are tough to get if you want to shed weight. you will find certain that simply dont dwell up to the buzz so you wind up totally wasting bucks on an item that doesn’t do the job. in spite of this, there are lots of weight loss pills that will assist you shed weight, however you have to do your homework.
don’t take note of the buzz !
do your research to ensure it includes something which can help you shed weight. there are several means of looking at weight loss pills that actually work, but you need to realize what to study before you buy them. take a look at social community, community forums and slimming pill testimonials to get additional views of the plan that accompany the slimming pill.
the best method to understand if weight loss pills work is to learn what’s inside them
the components are the major reason weight loss pills perform ; nevertheless, exactly what works best for your good friend might not do the job for you. all of us have a unique body shape. understand what body type you are ( alkaline, acidity, regular ), and then study the components in the diet pill.
search for slimming pill testimonials and notice exactly what other people state regarding the eating plans that are included with the diet products. this way you will be aware of the side-effects, just how they work, and if they are going to do the job. you can also find prescribed weight loss pills simply because they usually work, however you should really continue to study the components to be sure they are going to be suitable to your whole body.
over-the-counter weight loss pills that work
there are actually nonprescription diet pills that actually work, however for the majority of portion they are really full of caffeine, that could be a great hunger suppressor, but that’s almost all it really does. once again, have a look at the ingredient instructions to notice what exactly you are buying.
the perfect slimming pill is just one who may have you consuming less. generally, you will find diet programs that are included with the slimming pill. in the event you carry out the instructions, you then may lose fat. but, once again, researching is the paramount to weight loss. in the event you don’t realize what you’re having into the body, you won’t identify the negative effects ; in addition, you won’t shed weight.
diet programs for fast weight loss
when you need it rather quickly shed weight, consider for a diet supplement which contains a diuretic. you will discover weight loss pills that actually work fast, however they comprise of a diuretic, which is certainly a water releaser. which means it flushes the excess water outside of your body.
mainly it’s the additional fluid in your body which is rinsed out. the excess weight will come back simply because your whole body is preserving water. there is absolutely no quick way to shed weight. it’s regrettable considering that everybody want to dump 20 lbs. in a single day, however the system simply doesn’t function this way. slowing is the best diet plan you can utilize. it’s some-what of a life-style repair, however it works.
research is the key to losing weight
the best quality weight loss supplement is certainly one which enables the entire body shed weight gradually. there are lots of diet plan dietary supplements you can utilize for example orovo, phentermine, hydroxycut, and alli.
regardless of whether you obtain a recommendation from your physician or make use of over-the-counter weight loss pills, do your homework prior to purchasing these to check if the components can be something you would like within your body.
the unwanted effects of diet pills are generally intense to gentle based on the slimming pill. you should make use of the diet program connected with the weight loss pill to make sure it really works. any time the production produces the weight loss supplement, they even generate a diet plan around the health supplement. the diet plan suggestions, menus and procedures they provide are produced so that you could possibly get the complete advantage of utilizing a diet plan pill that actually works.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Top 10 diets review
With so many diet options to choose from it can be hard to find a weight loss plan that’s right for you.
to help, the british dietetic association ( bda ) looks at the pros and cons and gives its verdict on the 10 most searched-for commercial diets.
dukan diet
the dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate ( carb ), high-protein diet. there’s no limit to how much you can eat during the plan’s four phases, providing you stick to the rules of the plan. during phase one, you’re on a strict lean protein diet. this is based on a daftar of 72 reasonably low-fat protein-rich foods, such as chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and fat-free dairy. this is for an average of five days to achieve quick weight loss. carbs are off limits except for a small amount of oat bran. unlike the atkins diet, dukan’s phase one bans vegetables and seriously restricts fat. the next three phases of the plan see the gradual introduction of some fruit, veg and carbs and eventually all foods. the aim is gradual weight loss of up to 2lb a week and to promote long-term weight management. there’s no time limit to the final phase, which involves having a protein-only day once a week and taking regular exercise.
pros :
you can lose weight very quickly, which can be motivating. it’s a very strict and prescriptive diet and some people like that. it’s easy to follow. you don’t need to weigh food or count calories. apart from keeping to low-fat, low-salt and high-protein foods, there’s no restriction on how much you can eat during your first two weeks.
cons :
at the start of the diet you may experience side effects such as bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia and nausea from cutting out carbs. the lack of wholegrains, fruit and veg in the early stages of the diet could cause problems such as constipation.
bda verdict :
rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable and unhealthy. the dukan diet isn’t nutritionally balanced, which is acknowledged by the fact that you need a vit. supplement and a fibre top up in the form of oat bran. there’s a danger this type of diet could increase your risk of long-term health problems if you don’t stick to the rules. the diet lacks variety in the initial phases so there’s a risk you’ll get bored quickly and give up.
atkins diet
the atkins diet is a low-carb, high-protein weight loss programme. you start with a low-carb diet designed for rapid weight loss. this lasts at least two weeks depending on your weight loss goal. during this phase, you’re on a protein, fat and very low-carb diet, including meat, seafood, eggs, cheese, some veg, butter and oils. in contrast to the dukan diet, atkins allows unlimited fat and some veg, such as peppers, cucumber and iceberg lettuce, during phase one. during the next three phases, the weight loss is likely to be more gradual, and regular exercise is encouraged. more carbs, fruit and veg are introduced to your diet with the aim of working out what your ideal carb intake is to maintain a healthy weight for life. phase one is designed to help you lose up to 15lb in two weeks, reducing to 2lb to 3lb during phase two.
pros :
you can lose weight very quickly, which can be motivating. the diet also encourages people to cut out most processed carbs and alcohol. with its diet of red meat, butter, krim, cheese and mayonnaise, it’s one of the few diets out there that appeals to men.
cons :
initial side effects can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting out carbs and fibre. the high intake of saturated fat may increase your risk of heart disease and there are concerns that a lack of fruit, veg and dairy products and a high protein intake may affect bone and kidney health in the long term.
bda verdict :
rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable. the atkins diet isn’t nutritionally balanced. by limiting fruit and veg it contradicts all the advice on healthy eating that we have tried so hard to pass on to people. the meal choices are limited so there’s a risk many people will get bored quickly and drop out or take a ‘pick and mix’ approach.
cambridge diet
the cambridge weight plans are based around buying and eating a range of meal-replacement products with the promise of rapid weight loss. there are six flexible diet plans ranging from 415kcal to 1, 500kcal or more a day, depending on your weight loss goal. there is also a long-term weight management programme. the bars, soups, porridges and shakes can be used as your sole source of nutrition or together with low-calorie regular meals. while on the programme, you receive advice and support on healthy eating and exercise from a cambridge adviser.
pros :
many people on very low-calorie diets ( vlcds ) find the weight loss to be sudden and quite dramatic. the meal replacements are all nutritionally balanced so youre likely to be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need albeit not from real food.
cons :
initial side effects can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting down on carbs and fibre. the hardest part of the plan is sticking to it. giving up normal meals and swapping them for a makanan ringan bar or a shake can be boring and feel socially isolating. this isn’t a plan you can stick to in the long term.
bda verdict :
you need to like the meal-replacement products to stay with the plan. rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable. a vlcd that involves eating 1, 000 calories a day or fewer should not be followed for more than 12 continuous weeks. if you are eating fewer than 600 calories a day, you should have medical supervision.
south beach diet
the south beach diet is a low-gi diet originally developed for heart patients in the us. there’s no calorie counting and no limits on portions. youre encouraged to eat three meals and two snacks a day and follow an exercise plan. people who have more than 10lb to lose start with phase one. this is a two-week quick weight loss regime where you eat lean protein, including meat, fish and poultry, as well as some low-gi vegetables and unsaturated fats. low-gi carbs are re-introduced during phases two and three, which encourage gradual and sustainable weight loss.
pros :
if you can avoid phase one and start on phase two, there are fewer dietary restrictions in the rest of the plan than some other popular diets. after phase one, the diet broadly follows the basic principles of healthy eating. no major food groups are eliminated and plenty of fruit, veg and low-gi carbs are recommended.
cons :
the severe dietary restrictions of phase one may leave you feeling weak and missing out on some vitamins, minerals and fibre. you may initially experience side effects such as bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation.
bda verdict :
the first two weeks are the most difficult to get through. we’re concerned that this diet promises such a large weight loss, up to 13lb, in the first two weeks. this, though, wont be all fat. some of the weight loss will include water and carbs - both of which will be replaced when you begin eating more normally. once you get past the initial phase, the diet follows the basic principles of healthy eating and should provide the nutrients you need to stay healthy.
slimming world diet
slimming world’s weight loss plan encourages you to swap high-fat foods for low-fat foods that are naturally filling. you choose your food from a daftar of low-fat foods they call free foods, such as fruit, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, rice, lean meat, fish and eggs, which you can eat in unlimited amounts. there’s no calorie counting, no foods are banned and you’re still allowed the occasional treat. you can get support from fellow slimmers at weekly group meetings and follow an exercise plan to become gradually more active. the plan is designed to help you lose about 1lb to 2lb a week.
pros :
no foods are banned so meals offer balance and variety and are family-friendly. the portion size from each food group will vary depending which plan you follow. the body magic booklet they provide gives ideas to help you raise your activity levels. meeting as a group can provide valuable support.
cons :
slimming world doesn’t educate you about calories. without having learned about calories and portion sizes, you may struggle to keep the weight off in the long term when you come off the programme.
bda verdict :
the group meetings encourage members to berbagi successes, ideas and recipes with each other but they may not appeal to everyone. while the meal plans may lack some flexibility, they are generally balanced. however, without learning about calories and portion sizes, you may struggle to make healthy choices once you’ve left the programme.
slim-fast diet
the slim-fast diet is a low-calorie meal replacement plan for people with a bmi of 25 and over. it uses slim-fast’s range of products. the plan recommends three snacks a day from an extensive daftar, including crisps and chocolate, two meal replacement shakes or bars and one regular meal, taken from a daftar of recipes on the slim-fast situs. you can stay on the diet for as long as you want depending on your weight loss goal. once reached, you’re advised to have one meal replacement shake a day, up to two low-fat snacks and two healthy meals. the plan is designed to help you lose about 1lb to 2lb a week and you can follow the diet for as long as you want.
pros :
meal-replacement diets can be effective at helping some people to lose weight and keep it off. the plan is convenient as the products take the guesswork out of portion control and calorie counting. no foods are forbidden although you are encouraged to eat lean protein, fruit and vegetables.
cons :
on their own, meal-replacement diets do little to educate people about their eating habits and change their behaviour. there’s a risk of putting the weight back on again once you stop using the products. you may find it hard to get your 5 a day of fruit and veg without careful planning.
bda verdict :
if you don’t like the taste of the meal replacement products, you wont stay with the plan. the slim-fast plan can be useful to kickstart your weight loss regime, but it’s important that you make full use of the online support to learn about the principles of healthy eating and how to manage everyday food and drink.
lighterlife diet
the lighterlife weight loss plans combine a very low-calorie meal-replacement diet with weekly counselling. with lighterlife keseluruhan, for people with a bmi of 30 or more, you eat four food packs a day, consisting of shakes, soups, mousses or bars, and no conventional food. lighterlife lite, for those with a bmi of 25-30, involves eating three food packs a day plus one meal from a daftar of approved foods. you stay on the plans until you reach your obyek weight. the meal plans can lead to very rapid weight loss and you’re advised to see your gp before starting. how long you stay on the diet depends on how much weight you have to lose.
pros :
the counselling can help you understand your relationship with food, so hopefully you can make lasting changes to keep the weight off for good. with the meal replacements, there’s no weighing or measuring, so it’s a hassle-free approach to weight loss.
cons :
initial side effects of the diet can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting down on carbs and fibre. surviving on a strict diet of shakes and soups and other meal replacements isn’t much fun and can feel socially isolating.
bda verdict :
rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable. lighterlife’s vlcd and its counselling component may work for some, particularly people who have struggled to lose weight for years, have health problems as a result of their weight and are clinically obese with a bmi of more than 30. a vlcd that involves eating 1, 000 calories a day or fewer should not be followed for more than 12 continuous weeks. if you are eating fewer than 600 calories a day, you should have medical supervision.
weightwatchers diet
the weightwatchers plan is based on the propoints system, which gives a value to foods and drink based on protein, carbs, fat and fibre konten. it is essentially a calorie-controlled diet where you get a personal daily propoints allowance, which you can use how you like. there’s no limit on the amount of fruit and most veg you can eat. you also get a weekly propoints safety net in case you go over your allowance, and an individual exercise plan. the weekly meetings and confidential weigh-ins provide support and extra motivation to encourage long-term behaviour change. the plan is designed to help you lose up to 2lb a week.
pros :
no foods are banned so you can eat and drink what you want providing you stick to your points allowance. the propoints system is easier to follow for some than calorie-counting and less restrictive than other plans. this is because it introduces a safety net of points, which can be saved up for a special occasion, such as a night out, a small amount of alcohol or treats.
cons :
when you begin, working out the points system can be just as time consuming as simply counting calories. some people feel pressured into purchasing weightwatchers branded foods.
bda verdict :
the propoints plan is generally well balanced and can be a foundation for long-term changes in dietary habits. the support group approach can help keep people motivated and educate them about healthy eating. but it’s vital that you make the connection between the points system and calories if you want to avoid putting the weight back on once you leave the programme.
rosemary conley diet
rosemary conley’s diet and fitness plans combine a low-fat, low-gi diet with regular exercise. you can follow her recipes or buy from her range of calorie-controlled ready meals and snacks. you’re encouraged to eat food with 5% or less fat, with the exception of oily fish, porridge oats and lean meat. a network of local rosemary conley clubs offers weekly exercise classes, support and motivation. you learn about calorie counting and portion size, which can help you sustain your weight loss beyond the programme. the diet is designed to help you lose a stone in seven weeks. how long you stay on the plan depends on your weight loss goal.
pros :
the programme is based around calories, with a focus on cutting fat. the portion pots, which are used to measure foods such as rice, cereal, pasta and baked beans, teach you about portion control. physical activity is an integral part of the weight loss plan, with exercise sessions suitable for all ages, sizes and abilities offered at their weekly classes with trained leaders.
cons :
some low-fat products arent necessarily more healthy because they can still be high in sugar and calories. it is unrealistic to expect people to go out with their portion pots and, therefore, portion control may be more tricky away from the home.
bda verdict :
the diet and exercise plans offer a balanced approach to weight loss that teaches you about portion size, the importance of regular exercise for weight management and making healthier choices. the educational element is very useful for long-term weight management once you have left the programme.
jenny craig diet
the jenny craig programme has three main features : one-to-one support, a meal delivery service and tailored exercise plans. the weekly, personalised telephone consultations provide advice, motivation and support. the diet adviser assesses your reasons for gaining weight and, over the course of the programme, helps you to change your behaviour. the meals and snacks are packed into single-sized portions to suit your weight-loss needs. you need to add certain fresh fruits, veg and low-fat dairy products. the programme is designed to help you lose between 1lb and 2lb a week until you reach your obyek weight.
pros :
all the meals, including snacks, are calorie-counted, portion-controlled and delivered to your door. you eat real food, receive telephone support and learn about portion size, calories and exercise, which can all help you make healthier choices beyond the programme.
cons :
the meals don’t contain fruit, veg or dairy, which will be an additional expense. this isn’t an approach that you can stick to in the long term so it’s vital to learn how to prepare or choose healthy food yourself rather than relying on someone else.
bda verdict :
if you don’t like the jenny craig meals then this diet won’t work for you. if you want a diet where most of the work is done for you then the jenny craig programme can be a good solution. the concern with pre-packaged meals is whether dieters will realise there is no magic kiat and be able to replicate the meals, with the same portion sizes and calories, once they are on their own.
to help, the british dietetic association ( bda ) looks at the pros and cons and gives its verdict on the 10 most searched-for commercial diets.
dukan diet
the dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate ( carb ), high-protein diet. there’s no limit to how much you can eat during the plan’s four phases, providing you stick to the rules of the plan. during phase one, you’re on a strict lean protein diet. this is based on a daftar of 72 reasonably low-fat protein-rich foods, such as chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and fat-free dairy. this is for an average of five days to achieve quick weight loss. carbs are off limits except for a small amount of oat bran. unlike the atkins diet, dukan’s phase one bans vegetables and seriously restricts fat. the next three phases of the plan see the gradual introduction of some fruit, veg and carbs and eventually all foods. the aim is gradual weight loss of up to 2lb a week and to promote long-term weight management. there’s no time limit to the final phase, which involves having a protein-only day once a week and taking regular exercise.
pros :
you can lose weight very quickly, which can be motivating. it’s a very strict and prescriptive diet and some people like that. it’s easy to follow. you don’t need to weigh food or count calories. apart from keeping to low-fat, low-salt and high-protein foods, there’s no restriction on how much you can eat during your first two weeks.
cons :
at the start of the diet you may experience side effects such as bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia and nausea from cutting out carbs. the lack of wholegrains, fruit and veg in the early stages of the diet could cause problems such as constipation.
bda verdict :
rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable and unhealthy. the dukan diet isn’t nutritionally balanced, which is acknowledged by the fact that you need a vit. supplement and a fibre top up in the form of oat bran. there’s a danger this type of diet could increase your risk of long-term health problems if you don’t stick to the rules. the diet lacks variety in the initial phases so there’s a risk you’ll get bored quickly and give up.
atkins diet
the atkins diet is a low-carb, high-protein weight loss programme. you start with a low-carb diet designed for rapid weight loss. this lasts at least two weeks depending on your weight loss goal. during this phase, you’re on a protein, fat and very low-carb diet, including meat, seafood, eggs, cheese, some veg, butter and oils. in contrast to the dukan diet, atkins allows unlimited fat and some veg, such as peppers, cucumber and iceberg lettuce, during phase one. during the next three phases, the weight loss is likely to be more gradual, and regular exercise is encouraged. more carbs, fruit and veg are introduced to your diet with the aim of working out what your ideal carb intake is to maintain a healthy weight for life. phase one is designed to help you lose up to 15lb in two weeks, reducing to 2lb to 3lb during phase two.
pros :
you can lose weight very quickly, which can be motivating. the diet also encourages people to cut out most processed carbs and alcohol. with its diet of red meat, butter, krim, cheese and mayonnaise, it’s one of the few diets out there that appeals to men.
cons :
initial side effects can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting out carbs and fibre. the high intake of saturated fat may increase your risk of heart disease and there are concerns that a lack of fruit, veg and dairy products and a high protein intake may affect bone and kidney health in the long term.
bda verdict :
rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable. the atkins diet isn’t nutritionally balanced. by limiting fruit and veg it contradicts all the advice on healthy eating that we have tried so hard to pass on to people. the meal choices are limited so there’s a risk many people will get bored quickly and drop out or take a ‘pick and mix’ approach.
cambridge diet
the cambridge weight plans are based around buying and eating a range of meal-replacement products with the promise of rapid weight loss. there are six flexible diet plans ranging from 415kcal to 1, 500kcal or more a day, depending on your weight loss goal. there is also a long-term weight management programme. the bars, soups, porridges and shakes can be used as your sole source of nutrition or together with low-calorie regular meals. while on the programme, you receive advice and support on healthy eating and exercise from a cambridge adviser.
pros :
many people on very low-calorie diets ( vlcds ) find the weight loss to be sudden and quite dramatic. the meal replacements are all nutritionally balanced so youre likely to be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need albeit not from real food.
cons :
initial side effects can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting down on carbs and fibre. the hardest part of the plan is sticking to it. giving up normal meals and swapping them for a makanan ringan bar or a shake can be boring and feel socially isolating. this isn’t a plan you can stick to in the long term.
bda verdict :
you need to like the meal-replacement products to stay with the plan. rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable. a vlcd that involves eating 1, 000 calories a day or fewer should not be followed for more than 12 continuous weeks. if you are eating fewer than 600 calories a day, you should have medical supervision.
south beach diet
the south beach diet is a low-gi diet originally developed for heart patients in the us. there’s no calorie counting and no limits on portions. youre encouraged to eat three meals and two snacks a day and follow an exercise plan. people who have more than 10lb to lose start with phase one. this is a two-week quick weight loss regime where you eat lean protein, including meat, fish and poultry, as well as some low-gi vegetables and unsaturated fats. low-gi carbs are re-introduced during phases two and three, which encourage gradual and sustainable weight loss.
pros :
if you can avoid phase one and start on phase two, there are fewer dietary restrictions in the rest of the plan than some other popular diets. after phase one, the diet broadly follows the basic principles of healthy eating. no major food groups are eliminated and plenty of fruit, veg and low-gi carbs are recommended.
cons :
the severe dietary restrictions of phase one may leave you feeling weak and missing out on some vitamins, minerals and fibre. you may initially experience side effects such as bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation.
bda verdict :
the first two weeks are the most difficult to get through. we’re concerned that this diet promises such a large weight loss, up to 13lb, in the first two weeks. this, though, wont be all fat. some of the weight loss will include water and carbs - both of which will be replaced when you begin eating more normally. once you get past the initial phase, the diet follows the basic principles of healthy eating and should provide the nutrients you need to stay healthy.
slimming world diet
slimming world’s weight loss plan encourages you to swap high-fat foods for low-fat foods that are naturally filling. you choose your food from a daftar of low-fat foods they call free foods, such as fruit, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, rice, lean meat, fish and eggs, which you can eat in unlimited amounts. there’s no calorie counting, no foods are banned and you’re still allowed the occasional treat. you can get support from fellow slimmers at weekly group meetings and follow an exercise plan to become gradually more active. the plan is designed to help you lose about 1lb to 2lb a week.
pros :
no foods are banned so meals offer balance and variety and are family-friendly. the portion size from each food group will vary depending which plan you follow. the body magic booklet they provide gives ideas to help you raise your activity levels. meeting as a group can provide valuable support.
cons :
slimming world doesn’t educate you about calories. without having learned about calories and portion sizes, you may struggle to keep the weight off in the long term when you come off the programme.
bda verdict :
the group meetings encourage members to berbagi successes, ideas and recipes with each other but they may not appeal to everyone. while the meal plans may lack some flexibility, they are generally balanced. however, without learning about calories and portion sizes, you may struggle to make healthy choices once you’ve left the programme.
slim-fast diet
the slim-fast diet is a low-calorie meal replacement plan for people with a bmi of 25 and over. it uses slim-fast’s range of products. the plan recommends three snacks a day from an extensive daftar, including crisps and chocolate, two meal replacement shakes or bars and one regular meal, taken from a daftar of recipes on the slim-fast situs. you can stay on the diet for as long as you want depending on your weight loss goal. once reached, you’re advised to have one meal replacement shake a day, up to two low-fat snacks and two healthy meals. the plan is designed to help you lose about 1lb to 2lb a week and you can follow the diet for as long as you want.
pros :
meal-replacement diets can be effective at helping some people to lose weight and keep it off. the plan is convenient as the products take the guesswork out of portion control and calorie counting. no foods are forbidden although you are encouraged to eat lean protein, fruit and vegetables.
cons :
on their own, meal-replacement diets do little to educate people about their eating habits and change their behaviour. there’s a risk of putting the weight back on again once you stop using the products. you may find it hard to get your 5 a day of fruit and veg without careful planning.
bda verdict :
if you don’t like the taste of the meal replacement products, you wont stay with the plan. the slim-fast plan can be useful to kickstart your weight loss regime, but it’s important that you make full use of the online support to learn about the principles of healthy eating and how to manage everyday food and drink.
lighterlife diet
the lighterlife weight loss plans combine a very low-calorie meal-replacement diet with weekly counselling. with lighterlife keseluruhan, for people with a bmi of 30 or more, you eat four food packs a day, consisting of shakes, soups, mousses or bars, and no conventional food. lighterlife lite, for those with a bmi of 25-30, involves eating three food packs a day plus one meal from a daftar of approved foods. you stay on the plans until you reach your obyek weight. the meal plans can lead to very rapid weight loss and you’re advised to see your gp before starting. how long you stay on the diet depends on how much weight you have to lose.
pros :
the counselling can help you understand your relationship with food, so hopefully you can make lasting changes to keep the weight off for good. with the meal replacements, there’s no weighing or measuring, so it’s a hassle-free approach to weight loss.
cons :
initial side effects of the diet can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting down on carbs and fibre. surviving on a strict diet of shakes and soups and other meal replacements isn’t much fun and can feel socially isolating.
bda verdict :
rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable. lighterlife’s vlcd and its counselling component may work for some, particularly people who have struggled to lose weight for years, have health problems as a result of their weight and are clinically obese with a bmi of more than 30. a vlcd that involves eating 1, 000 calories a day or fewer should not be followed for more than 12 continuous weeks. if you are eating fewer than 600 calories a day, you should have medical supervision.
weightwatchers diet
the weightwatchers plan is based on the propoints system, which gives a value to foods and drink based on protein, carbs, fat and fibre konten. it is essentially a calorie-controlled diet where you get a personal daily propoints allowance, which you can use how you like. there’s no limit on the amount of fruit and most veg you can eat. you also get a weekly propoints safety net in case you go over your allowance, and an individual exercise plan. the weekly meetings and confidential weigh-ins provide support and extra motivation to encourage long-term behaviour change. the plan is designed to help you lose up to 2lb a week.
pros :
no foods are banned so you can eat and drink what you want providing you stick to your points allowance. the propoints system is easier to follow for some than calorie-counting and less restrictive than other plans. this is because it introduces a safety net of points, which can be saved up for a special occasion, such as a night out, a small amount of alcohol or treats.
cons :
when you begin, working out the points system can be just as time consuming as simply counting calories. some people feel pressured into purchasing weightwatchers branded foods.
bda verdict :
the propoints plan is generally well balanced and can be a foundation for long-term changes in dietary habits. the support group approach can help keep people motivated and educate them about healthy eating. but it’s vital that you make the connection between the points system and calories if you want to avoid putting the weight back on once you leave the programme.
rosemary conley diet
rosemary conley’s diet and fitness plans combine a low-fat, low-gi diet with regular exercise. you can follow her recipes or buy from her range of calorie-controlled ready meals and snacks. you’re encouraged to eat food with 5% or less fat, with the exception of oily fish, porridge oats and lean meat. a network of local rosemary conley clubs offers weekly exercise classes, support and motivation. you learn about calorie counting and portion size, which can help you sustain your weight loss beyond the programme. the diet is designed to help you lose a stone in seven weeks. how long you stay on the plan depends on your weight loss goal.
pros :
the programme is based around calories, with a focus on cutting fat. the portion pots, which are used to measure foods such as rice, cereal, pasta and baked beans, teach you about portion control. physical activity is an integral part of the weight loss plan, with exercise sessions suitable for all ages, sizes and abilities offered at their weekly classes with trained leaders.
cons :
some low-fat products arent necessarily more healthy because they can still be high in sugar and calories. it is unrealistic to expect people to go out with their portion pots and, therefore, portion control may be more tricky away from the home.
bda verdict :
the diet and exercise plans offer a balanced approach to weight loss that teaches you about portion size, the importance of regular exercise for weight management and making healthier choices. the educational element is very useful for long-term weight management once you have left the programme.
jenny craig diet
the jenny craig programme has three main features : one-to-one support, a meal delivery service and tailored exercise plans. the weekly, personalised telephone consultations provide advice, motivation and support. the diet adviser assesses your reasons for gaining weight and, over the course of the programme, helps you to change your behaviour. the meals and snacks are packed into single-sized portions to suit your weight-loss needs. you need to add certain fresh fruits, veg and low-fat dairy products. the programme is designed to help you lose between 1lb and 2lb a week until you reach your obyek weight.
pros :
all the meals, including snacks, are calorie-counted, portion-controlled and delivered to your door. you eat real food, receive telephone support and learn about portion size, calories and exercise, which can all help you make healthier choices beyond the programme.
cons :
the meals don’t contain fruit, veg or dairy, which will be an additional expense. this isn’t an approach that you can stick to in the long term so it’s vital to learn how to prepare or choose healthy food yourself rather than relying on someone else.
bda verdict :
if you don’t like the jenny craig meals then this diet won’t work for you. if you want a diet where most of the work is done for you then the jenny craig programme can be a good solution. the concern with pre-packaged meals is whether dieters will realise there is no magic kiat and be able to replicate the meals, with the same portion sizes and calories, once they are on their own.
The 8-hour diet
We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the latest diet craze.
fasting is the diet buzzword de jour. the latest diet book the 8-hour diet, by author david zinczenko and men’s health gantior-in-chief peter moore, is another spin on the fasting for weight loss phenomenon.
this diet restricts eating times to an eight hour period - 9am to 5pm or 11am to 7pm - in order to rev up metabolism by introducing fasting or fat-burning periods. read on for our analysis :
the positives - if you have to plan your meals to fit within the 8-hour time frame you become a more conscious eater. mindless eating is a pitfall for many slimmers.
- the idea that you can eat whatever you like during the time frame is appealing - if you tell yourself you can’t have a food, you want it even more, so being able to eat what you like may even help you stick to healthier foods.
- if your last meal is at 5pm or 6pm, this diet will cut out any late-night snacking !
- in order to fight hunger pangs outside your allotted eating hours, you can eat high-fibre and high-protein foods such as yoghurt, nuts and vegetables. these foods are also healthy and nutritious.
the negatives - you are free to consume as many calories and whatever type of food you desire during the 8-hour period. this doesnt teach you about healthy eating, and could result in excessive calorie intake, which is detrimental to health and could cause weight gain.
- avoid taking a fasting diet to the extreme. all meals consumed should contain a wide range of foods to ensure you get a balance of macronutrients ( carbs, protein, fat ) and micronutrients ( vitamins, minerals ).
- eating within a restricted time frame, still instils the dieting mindset. if you think youre following a diet, youre less likely to want to follow the diet long-term.
- this diet ignores the theory of calories in vs calories out. if you eat more calories than you burn off, regardless of when you eat them, you will put on weight !
fasting is the diet buzzword de jour. the latest diet book the 8-hour diet, by author david zinczenko and men’s health gantior-in-chief peter moore, is another spin on the fasting for weight loss phenomenon.
this diet restricts eating times to an eight hour period - 9am to 5pm or 11am to 7pm - in order to rev up metabolism by introducing fasting or fat-burning periods. read on for our analysis :
the positives - if you have to plan your meals to fit within the 8-hour time frame you become a more conscious eater. mindless eating is a pitfall for many slimmers.
- the idea that you can eat whatever you like during the time frame is appealing - if you tell yourself you can’t have a food, you want it even more, so being able to eat what you like may even help you stick to healthier foods.
- if your last meal is at 5pm or 6pm, this diet will cut out any late-night snacking !
- in order to fight hunger pangs outside your allotted eating hours, you can eat high-fibre and high-protein foods such as yoghurt, nuts and vegetables. these foods are also healthy and nutritious.
the negatives - you are free to consume as many calories and whatever type of food you desire during the 8-hour period. this doesnt teach you about healthy eating, and could result in excessive calorie intake, which is detrimental to health and could cause weight gain.
- avoid taking a fasting diet to the extreme. all meals consumed should contain a wide range of foods to ensure you get a balance of macronutrients ( carbs, protein, fat ) and micronutrients ( vitamins, minerals ).
- eating within a restricted time frame, still instils the dieting mindset. if you think youre following a diet, youre less likely to want to follow the diet long-term.
- this diet ignores the theory of calories in vs calories out. if you eat more calories than you burn off, regardless of when you eat them, you will put on weight !
Upgrade your health with these 7 superfoods
algaes, like spirulina, are the original source of omega-3 fatty acids and hundreds of trace minerals our body so desperately craves. algaes form the base of the aquatic food chain, so consuming spirulina gives you direct access to true fundamental nutrition.
spirulina is the richest source of protein on the planet, with a whopping 60 percent of protein per serving, while providing all 22 amino acids our body requires. about 1 to 2 tablespoons delivers impressive amounts of vit. b12 & b complex, iron, essential trace minerals, beta carotene and gamma-linolenic acid ( gla ).
its dark green color is a reflection of its rich source of chlorophyll – a well-known plant pigment that cleanses and purifies our blood.
read : plant-based diets : a primer.
hemp seeds
hemp seeds are a terrific source of protein, providing about 5 grams of protein per tablespoon. sixty-five percent of hemps protein is edistin, which is used in your body to make antibodies and enzymes.
since much of hemps protein resembles that found in human blood, hemp protein is very easily digested and assimilated. in addition, another one-third of hemps protein is albumin, another high-quality globulin protein also found in egg whites.
hemp seeds are also recognized by the world health organization as having what is considered to be an maksimal 3-to-1 balance of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids. it is this ratio that is believed to be ideal in promoting long-term well-being by decreasing the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases like heart disease, diabetes and depression.
read : best heart-healthy diets.
chia seeds
roughly 25 percent of chia seeds composition by weight is omega-3 fatty acids. about 20 to 23 percent of a chia seed is protein. on the oxygen radical absorbancy capacity ( orac ) scale, which measures antioxidant levels, it ranks around 825, which is equivalent to the antioxidant kontent of broccoli, oranges and grapes.
chia is also one the best sources of fiber. its ability to soak up close to 12 times its weight in fluid is one of the reasons why its so helpful at binding to bile, toxins, cholesterol and other compounds eliminated by the body.
read : empower your diet with antioxidants.
vit. c from acerola cherry
acerola cherries have shown significantly high levels of antioxidants similar to other amazonian fruits such as the acai berry.
acerola possesses the highest kontent of vit. c of any plant-derived fruits or berries. one hundred grams of fresh berry provides an astounding 1677. 6 milligrams of vit. c, about 1, 864 percent of daily recommended intake.
vit. c from acerola cherries is most commonly found in whole-food supplements and powders.
read : the vitamins and supplements most recommended by pharmacists.
bee pollen
bee pollen contains all 22 amino acids that our body requires. its also loaded with all the b complex vitamins, vit. c, vit. a, vit. e and carotenoids. it is also 35 percent protein and contains teratur ( vit. p ), which strengthens capillaries and blood-cell walls.
this is a powdered supplement that originates from the peruvian maca root. it contains amino acids, complex carbohydrates, vitamins b, c, and e and many important minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium and iron.
its many benefits include the balancing of hormones, building muscle, enhancing stamina and increasing fertility. most notably is its ability as an adaptogen – a metabolic regulator that increases the ability of an organism to adapt to environmental factors – to support the adrenal glands and alleviate stress on the body.
there you have it – seven amazing superfoods that are guaranteed to upgrade your health ( assuming the rest of your diet is clean as well ). to finish, heres a simple smoothie recipe that incorporates some of these nutrient powerhouses.
berry almighty
• 2 cups of your favorite berries
• 2 tablespoons almond butter
• 2 tablespoons hemp seeds
• 1 tablespoon flax oil
• 1 tablespoon maca
• 250 milliliters almond milk
add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.
hmmm…. enjoy !
DASH diet ranked best overall -- see whats second
one of the best diet set up for overall health could not cost a factor.
a whole new ranking of diets by u. s. news & world report provides prime honors for best overall diet onto the dash ( dietary approaches to prevent hypertension ) diet.
originally developed by your national heart, lung, and blood institute to lower blood pressure, the diet set up is on the market free on-line.
consultants additionally ranked prime diets in seven different categories, as well as weight loss, diabetes, heart-healthy, business, easiest to follow, plant-based, and healthy eating.
weight watchers won best weight loss diet further as easiest to follow and best business diet.
the dash diet tied when using the biggest loser diet as one of the best diet set up to stop and manage diabetes. the dash diet was additionally named best diet for healthy eating, whereas the mediterranean diet won best plant-based diet.
ranking one of the best diets
the rankings are based mostly on reviews of 29 diets by a panel of consultants in diet, nutrition, obesity, food psychology, diabetes, and heart disease.
the panel rated every diet’s effectiveness in listed here seven categories :
how simple it often to follow
short-term weight loss
long-term weight loss
nutritional completeness
diabetes prevention and management
heart disease prevention
cost of one's diet wasn't thought of within the whole rankings.
researchers then converted the experts’ ratings to scores and stars from 5 ( highest ) to 1 ( lowest ).
the results showed several diets that topped the rankings are already household names, like weight watchers and jenny craig. however others, such like the dash and tlc diets, are lesser-known plans developed by government researchers.
here will be the prime overall and best weight loss diets, and just what the consultants had to speak about regarding them. there have been three-way ties in the highest 5 in each categories based mostly upon the diets’ star ratings.
best overall diets
1. dash diet ( 4. 1 stars ) -- the blood-pressure-lowering diet beat out different better-known diets ready for its nutritional completeness, safety, ability to stop and management diabetes, and promote heart health.
2. tlc diet ( 4. zero stars ) -- the national institutes of health created the therapeutic lifestyle changes diet to lower cholesterol levels. consultants say it’s a well-rounded, healthy diet, however it needs a “do-it-yourself” approach as opposed onto the hand-holding provided by a few business diet plans.
3. mayo clinic diet ( 3. 9 stars ) -- this diet set up got high marks ready for its safety and nutrition. consultants say it's moderately effective for weight loss.
3. mediterranean diet ( 3. 9 stars ) -- with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and different healthy foods, the diet got many of the highest scores for nutrition. however consultants say a few americans may feature a problem sticking to the diet that needs giving up processed foods and sugary drinks.
3. weight watchers ( 3. 9 stars ) -- consultants aforementioned the business weight loss diet set up was the easiest to stick to thanks to the sturdy emphasis on emotional support.
a whole new ranking of diets by u. s. news & world report provides prime honors for best overall diet onto the dash ( dietary approaches to prevent hypertension ) diet.
originally developed by your national heart, lung, and blood institute to lower blood pressure, the diet set up is on the market free on-line.
consultants additionally ranked prime diets in seven different categories, as well as weight loss, diabetes, heart-healthy, business, easiest to follow, plant-based, and healthy eating.
weight watchers won best weight loss diet further as easiest to follow and best business diet.
the dash diet tied when using the biggest loser diet as one of the best diet set up to stop and manage diabetes. the dash diet was additionally named best diet for healthy eating, whereas the mediterranean diet won best plant-based diet.
ranking one of the best diets
the rankings are based mostly on reviews of 29 diets by a panel of consultants in diet, nutrition, obesity, food psychology, diabetes, and heart disease.
the panel rated every diet’s effectiveness in listed here seven categories :
how simple it often to follow
short-term weight loss
long-term weight loss
nutritional completeness
diabetes prevention and management
heart disease prevention
cost of one's diet wasn't thought of within the whole rankings.
researchers then converted the experts’ ratings to scores and stars from 5 ( highest ) to 1 ( lowest ).
the results showed several diets that topped the rankings are already household names, like weight watchers and jenny craig. however others, such like the dash and tlc diets, are lesser-known plans developed by government researchers.
here will be the prime overall and best weight loss diets, and just what the consultants had to speak about regarding them. there have been three-way ties in the highest 5 in each categories based mostly upon the diets’ star ratings.
best overall diets
1. dash diet ( 4. 1 stars ) -- the blood-pressure-lowering diet beat out different better-known diets ready for its nutritional completeness, safety, ability to stop and management diabetes, and promote heart health.
2. tlc diet ( 4. zero stars ) -- the national institutes of health created the therapeutic lifestyle changes diet to lower cholesterol levels. consultants say it’s a well-rounded, healthy diet, however it needs a “do-it-yourself” approach as opposed onto the hand-holding provided by a few business diet plans.
3. mayo clinic diet ( 3. 9 stars ) -- this diet set up got high marks ready for its safety and nutrition. consultants say it's moderately effective for weight loss.
3. mediterranean diet ( 3. 9 stars ) -- with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and different healthy foods, the diet got many of the highest scores for nutrition. however consultants say a few americans may feature a problem sticking to the diet that needs giving up processed foods and sugary drinks.
3. weight watchers ( 3. 9 stars ) -- consultants aforementioned the business weight loss diet set up was the easiest to stick to thanks to the sturdy emphasis on emotional support.
Hey guys, it's been a long while now :P my laptop died for about a week and was getting repaired, so sadly I couldn't update my blog at all. :( Since some of you are going back to school I thought this would be quite helpful for some of you guys.
Cute SIMPLE HairStyles
Fishtail braid seems hard at first but once you get it, its really easy to do and would be the no1 hairstyles you'd be rockin everyday its effortless and simple. Buns are another hairstyle which is simple and great for days when you just want hair your out of your face.
CUTE Outfits ^^

Stay simple but cute. Simple cute tees paired with shorts or even skinny jeans. Plaided or striped tops are the best and a must have in a wardrobe since there are a basic and will never be out of trend. Hoodies, sweater, cardigans and jackets are the best thing ever if your living in London cause the weather is always changing from sunny in the morning to cold and even raining during the day, but where ever in the world you live it's always good to bring a light weight cardigan to keep you warm :3 simply finish off the look with apair of flats/loafers or even sneakers.

Cute SIMPLE HairStyles
Fishtail braid seems hard at first but once you get it, its really easy to do and would be the no1 hairstyles you'd be rockin everyday its effortless and simple. Buns are another hairstyle which is simple and great for days when you just want hair your out of your face.
CUTE Outfits ^^
Stay simple but cute. Simple cute tees paired with shorts or even skinny jeans. Plaided or striped tops are the best and a must have in a wardrobe since there are a basic and will never be out of trend. Hoodies, sweater, cardigans and jackets are the best thing ever if your living in London cause the weather is always changing from sunny in the morning to cold and even raining during the day, but where ever in the world you live it's always good to bring a light weight cardigan to keep you warm :3 simply finish off the look with apair of flats/loafers or even sneakers.
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