Thursday, January 10, 2013

#33) Grains & Gluten #2

My previous post #28 on Hybrid Grains has been read worldwide and is very popular, it is no wonder, as many more people today suffer from gluten sensitivity than did in 1948 and 1954.  In 2009 a study was published in Gastroenterology which identified the dramatic rise in gluten sensitivity in the USA over the past 50 years.  What they did is they used blood samples of 9,133 healthy adults from Warren Air force Base that were collected in 1948 and 1954 and compared them to 12,768 similar matched subjects in 2009. They found the prevalence of celiac disease increased from 1 in 700 subjects in 1948, 1954,  to 1 in 100 in  the 2009 study!

They discovered a dramatic rise in celiac disease, (celiac disease is a severe reaction to gluten that leads to autoimmune destruction of the gastrointestinal tract).    Gluten sensitivity on the other hand means your immune system will develop an inflammatory response if you consume gluten and this response to gluten is typically against the brain and parts of the nervous system.  If you are gluten sensitive you need to go on a strict gluten free diet, especially if you have any neurological problems or your brain simply is not working.  No single dietary protein is a more potent trigger of neurological dysfunction and neuro-immunity  than gluten.

Deamidation is used in food processing and has served unfortunately to make gluten more immune reactive. Deamidation uses acids/enzymes to make gluten water soluble so that it mixes more easily with other foods.  Which is why today so many food/junk products have gluten/wheat as filler and base, such as cereals, chips, cookies and many other snack foods use deamidated wheat.  Even though this process makes it easier to use wheat in processed foods it has been found to create severe immune responses in people.  Researchers have concluded that deamidation of wheat creates new substances that activate the immune system and may be the cause of hidden inflammatory responses to foods (European Journal of Inflammation).  Some call this the "new wheat" the major driver of neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration and neuroimmune disease so prevalent in our population today.

If your doctor screens you for a reaction to gluten you want to ask what he is testing you for specifically.  Generally the standard test is for an isolated alpha gliadin and TG2 but guess what, many people have severe immune reactions to other portions or aspects of gluten.  A comprehensive gluten screen should include:  alpha gliadin, omega gliadin, gamma gliadin, deamidated gliadin,  gluteomorphin, prodynorphin, wheat germ agglutinin, transglutaminase-2, transglutaminase-3, transglutaminase-6.  Overwhelming isn't it, I believe the best  test for gluten sensitivity is to totally and completely eliminate all gluten and all cross reactive foods as I have discussed in blog #28 and see how you feel after several months.  Remember this essentially means all you eat is a healthy animal protein, a variety of veggies and fruit and you drink water.  Eat anything else and run the risk of consuming gluten or a cross reactive food, just a hint of gluten/wheat will trigger an immune response and negate your analysis.  It will take time for a hyper reactive immune system to quiet down if you can totally and completely abstain.

A great book to read is  "Why Isn't My Brain Working?" by Dr. Datis Kharrazian.  It is by far the best book I have yet to read on this very complicated subject.

Until next time, Dr. Mark Doyle

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