Friday, January 11, 2013

#35) GLOBAL Wt LOSS- so very EASY

Two slim down successes today and both women, they had each  reached their ideal weight.  One was a very pretty 67 year old who went from 157 to 113 in 12 weeks.  She came in today for her weigh-in wearing new fitting clothes and she looked absolutely impressive.  She emotionally confessed it was the first time in many many years that she had felt the excitement of trying on fashionable clothes that fit well and showed off her long lost figure.  My other slim down lady is 56 years old and she slimmed down from a starting weight of 186lbs. to her ideal weight of 137.  She did an initial 10 week program and lost 30lbs and then continued with another 8 week where she lost 20lbs.  She came in today for her final weigh-in looking very good and so happy, she was now at her high school graduation weight of many years ago.

Both ladies were nervous and I knew full well their apprehension, they were afraid that they would gain the weight back.  I calmly explained to them that I would never abandon them and that I wanted them to come back  for frequent periodic weigh-ins at NO  CHARGE,  for the rest of their lives.  This accountability and continued coaching and support is essential to achieve weight loss for life.   We all have weight fluctuations, it is normal and natural and we want to have the ability to "error correct"   weight gain, early on and never allow unwanted weight gain to accumulate.  Our accountability weigh-ins are an essential component to changing habit and behavior over time and now that they are at their ideal weight they have a new, fast, efficient, fat burning metabolism that will allow them to enjoy life and enjoy food without the fear and apprehension of gaining the weight back again.  Weight loss for life is about reaching your ideal weight, changing your metabolism, participating in our accountability weigh-ins and becoming experienced and skilled in error correcting any early weight gain on your own, at home with regular food, with our coaching and support.

We only need to monitor our weight once a week, no more and no less.  If we weigh ourselves more frequent than that we set ourselves up for anxiety and frustration, it becomes counter productive. Once a week weigh-in is just right and if you do not like what you see in the numbers,  then simply error correct yourself the following week back to where you want to be.  Losing the weight with our coaching after you have reached your ideal weight will be easy as you now have a changed metabolism, your metabolism is now fast and efficient, you are a fat burner and you will feel a balance in your hormones. ( Read my other blogs that define and differentiate ideal weight from target weight.)

This system of weight loss we have developed over the years is by far the best we have ever seen, and our follow up and commitment to our client after they have reached their ideal weight is superb.  We will never let you down and  we will always be there for you.  We are now providing the 30/10 weight loss solution to clients around the world,  we send to you a body composition weigh-in scale, necessary foods and supplements, hypnosis tapes and all the support needed for you to do what it takes to slim down and achieve your ideal weight,  allowing  you to realize,  weight loss for life. You can do it, it really is,  as easy as pie.

Until next time, Dr. Mark Doyle

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